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A very brief history of only some of the bands on this site

If you can add anything to what is here, please contact me via this site. This site is dedicated to specific local midlands bands who eventually came together to form Rhondo in the 1980's. The only common theme is that at least one member from each of these bands went on to join or form another band. Rhondo came about from members of several other local bands who got together to enjoy playing their own unique sounds from the 1960's. The intention is not to duplicate or copy what has already been written elsewhere but to keep everything as original as possible.

​It was in the late 1950's when many of us formed our own local bands and enjoyed creating our own entertainment. It was a time when the artistes who recorded their songs could also perform on stage and sound just as good. Many of us played for the enjoyment of playing, with no aspirations of stardom or recording contracts. We loved what we did, and that was creating music. There were far more venues to play and almost every town had it's own ballroom, village hall, working men's club, youth club, church hall or pub, and they all wanted live music. The 60's and 70's are my favourite decades for live music and are probably the most influential musically before discos and karaoke later became popular. I miss the days when you could go out and there would be a group on somewhere every Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening.


The Cowboys

Saturn Five

 I think it was the third band I joined, known as Saturn Five, which was formed in Rugby in the mid 60's when some of the finest bands were emerging and it was an exciting time for rock music. If I find any photographs of these earlier bands, I will post them on the site, or if you recognise anyone or can add anything please get in touch. Saturn 5 played many of the local Leicestershire and Warwickshire Working Men's Clubs, playing popular music  from the late 50's to the late 60’s. They started by playing some of the chart material at that time and rock-n-roll inspired by the likes of Elvis and Chuck Berry. Even though it was all generic, many bands played a similar sort of music and it showcased much of the early talent.


Elvis Presley was always very popular in the clubs and still is, and we were fortunate that our front man and vocalist Don sounded and looked very much like him and enjoyed impersonating him. This was long before cover bands began to emerge and became popular. Today there is a big demand for tribute acts and there seems to be a tribute band for just about every artiste you can think of.

After a short break in about 1969, most of the members of Saturn 5 reformed as Burning Ambition, unfortunately loosing Gordon Campbell on drums and gaining Richard Campbell (no relation). Burning Ambition continued to play the music from the same period and also developed more into an Elvis tribute band long before others had caught on to the fact that there was a massive demand for this type of show. Frank Campbell on rhythm guitar, backing vocals and occasionally keyboard was eventually replaced by Nick Smith who not only played guitar but brought an extra dimension with his brilliant vocal harmonies. 

Burning Ambition had a long run but finally called it a day in around 1977. 

Burning Ambition


Gulliver and the Travellers


Neil Norman (vocals and drums), Spenny Williams (vocals, guitar and keyboards) and Dave Egginton were the original members of Rhondo who formed  in 1980 and about a year later Nick Smith (Rhythm guitar and vocals) joined them, followed shortly by Malcolm Baines (bass guitar) who took over from Dave Egginton.


Neil Norman had been a brilliant rock drummer from the early sixties with another popular Hinckey band known as the Stormbirds. A band with an excellent reputation and a large local following. He went on to perform with Gulliver and the Travellers, Tony Dangerfield and the Thrills, The Savages and many top names in the industry at that time.


Malcolm began playing washboard in a skiffle group in about 1958/9, It was how many of us began when we couldn't afford to buy an instrument. This band was called The Cowboys. Not many gigs followed but I do remember winning a talent competition at Whitwick Labour Club before our first gig at Demontfort Hall in Leicester. He then played rhythm guitar with Mike and the Mechanics (not the present day band with the same name). From there he played bass with Saturn Five, Burning Ambition and Rhondo, and many other local bands since.


I'm not sure which earlier bands Nick Smith was with, but from Pepsi he joined Burning Ambition and then Rhondo. He also played the club circuit as a solo guitar/vocals act.


Spenny I believe was with the Williams Brothers and also gigging as a solo artiste before forming White Line Fever and later Rhondo and then formed a duo known as Dave and Spen, playing the local pubs and clubs.


By about 1988, Rhondo disbanded. Spenny toured Spain for a few years and now does a few gigs around the local pubs and clubs and Nick did the occasional local solo gig. After Rhondo, our drummer Neil Norman had a major career change from professional rock drummer to bird watcher - who would have thought that!!!

Leamington 27 Aug 2019).jpg

The 1968 Band

The Section blues rock band

The Section

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